We’re really excited to announce that we can now offer Nutritional Therapy & Advice at the clinic with Roger Smith, BSc (Hons). He’s now available on Thursdays, offering one hour one-to-one consultations for a number of health issues.
Roger Smith is a food chemist providing a unique service that allows you to understand your current deficiencies and excesses of essential nutrients. From here he is able to guide you in finding your ideal foods and drinks for better gut health and eliminating allergies.
He has helped clients recover from diabetes, chronic fatigue, low thyroid, high ‘bad cholesterol’ and dangerously high triglycerides, depression, bipolar disorder and of course IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome).
If you think that Roger could help you, or would like to find out more about his service, why not drop him an email on rogersmith@mooreosteopathy.co.uk.