Osteopathy in the Cranial Field

I’ve been treating young babies for a while now to help with a variety of symptoms, with really good results. Here’s a testimonial from Jacob’s mum, a 10 week old who had really severe reflux.

To develop my knowledge and skills further, I’ve recently completed the Foundation Course from the Rollin E Becker Institute, specialists in cranial osteopathy. It was an absolutely fantastic course, taught by really knowledgable tutors in an engaging and enlightening way.

Cranial Osteopathy

Cranial osteopathy is an amazingly gentle treatment, focussed on the delicate and small yet massively important movement of the bones, membranes, ligaments and muscles around the head and sacrum (part of the pelvis). Restrictions in the movements of these tissues as a result of unusual positioning of the baby during pregnancy, long labour or assisted birth can contribute to feeding and sleep difficulties in the newborn which present themselves as a restless or unhappy baby. Gentle treatment using the cranial osteopathy approach can be really helpful with these symptoms.

If you’d like to know more about how cranial osteopathy could help your child, give me a call on 07990 548 519 and I’d be delighted to talk it through with you.


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